Saturday, 14 February 2015


You're probably wondering why the title of this post is "XO". Well, that is because it's Valentine's Day, people! The day where love conquers all and people show love and affection for each other through kisses, hugs, roses and chocolates.

Today is such a special day. Not only that it's Valentine's Day but the Style Music Video (by Taylor Swift) is out now. But let's go back to main topic here and talk about Valentine's Day.

Don't you ever just imagine this day to be super memorable? Like, you want the guy of your dreams to be in a dashing suit and tie, take you to a very romantic place, give you a bouquet of roses and dance with you til' the midnight hour. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Unless, of course, you're single like me and just wants to sit around all day and eat potato chips and watch all the Nicholas Sparks Movies on TV. Yeeeaaah. That would be awful.

But let me tell you this, it's not awful. And so if you don't have a date for Valentine's. Who freakin' cares?! Valentine's Day is all about LOVE anyway. Not just only about love for a significant other but all kinds of love. Family love, love for your friends and especially, love for yourself.

And don't you ever think that you're not worth the love because you don't have a date. You're definitely worth it. You just have to wait for the right moment. I'm pretty sure that God is going to give you the best Valentine's Day ever with the best guy/girl He has given you.

Like I said, Valentine's Day is all about love. So spend it with the ones that you love and who loves you. Like your family and friends. You're not alone and you will never be. 

Look at me. Four years ago, I had the worst Valentine's Day ever (long story) but I'm still strong and not moping/crying in my bed because I don't have a freakin' date. I didn't become bitter and become an Anti-Valentine person, not like some people. I hope. I'm hoping that someday, someone will give the greatest Valentine's Day ever. And that will come soon. For me and for you.


Yours Truly, 

P.S. As a Valentine's Day treat, listen to Beyonce's "XO".

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


According to the cliche girly movies I have watched, the most unforgettable and the most magical event in your high school years is PROM.

"Prom" is short for "promenade" which means a formal dance or a leisurely walk typically one taken in a public place so as to meet or be seen by others. But no one cares what prom means, right? All we know is that in a prom, there will be dancing, the girl will be in their beautiful dresses, the guys will be in their handsome suits and there will be the most-awaited Prom King & Queen which can lead you to ultimate popularity.

But if you say the word "prom" in front of a girl, she will definitely freak out (Well, most girls are like that). For a girl, it's the most magical night of their lives. They will dance will the guy of their dreams. They will have a major transformation from this ordinary girl to a total diva. They will hang out with their friends until midnight. For them, prom is everything.

For me, not so quite. Prom is just an ordinary event for me. Of course, I would a great time dancing but let's face it, prom is tiring. 

Do you even know what goes behind the scenes of a promenade? The movies make it so easy but in real life, it's not. In real life, you have to do a lot of things like you would have a tribute song, you would light a candle and you have to hear a speech from your beloved principal. And there's one more, that waltz thing, you have to practice it.

In these past few weeks, my class have been practicing from our prom this upcoming February 5. We've been dancing from morning to the afternoon. My feet are aching. And we're suppose to do all those dances and songs while wearing heels. 

The teachers are already mad at us because they want the prom to be super perfect and most of us don't want to practice anymore because our bodies are freakin' tired. Ugh! Let us rest! I want rest! 

But we have to participate in classes because prom comes only once in a lifetime. We have to make sure it's perfect.

So, in spite all the aches and pain, all of that will be worth it in the end because our prom will be magical as ever. 

How about you? What's on your mind when you hear the word "prom"?

Yours Truly,